The Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is an attempt to measure
and conceptualize democracy throughout the world. With a global team of over 50
social scientists, they put forth five high-level indicators of democracy (scale 0-1,
Electoral: Are rulers responsive to citizens? Is there electoral competition?
Liberal: Are individual & minority rights protected? Are limits placed on the
Participatory: To what extent do citizens participate in political processes?
Deliberative: Are political descisions motivated by the public good?
Egalitatrian: Do inequities hurt the ability of citizens from participating in
With these high-level indicators, they can group countries into four regime types:
Closed Autocracy (0) No multiparty elections for
legislative or
executive branches of government.
Electoral Autocracy (1) De-jure elections are held, but
fail to be free and fair.
Electoral Democracy (2) De-facto free and fair elections
held, but state suffers from a low liberal indicator score.
Liberal Democracy (3) De-facto free and fair elections and
satisfactory levels of high-level indicators are met.